Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GreenlightTestPrep owns 12306 Kudos, gave away 136 Kudos.

AjinkyaGupta88Re: In the ​ xy ​ -plane, what is the slope of the line whose22-Apr-2022
testtaker123Re: In the gure below, If the area of triangle CDE is 42, what21-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Rhonda runs at an average speed of 12 kilometers per hour, a21-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Jan and Marko are competing in an o?-road race. Jan complete21-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Jack is now 14 years older than Bill. If in 10 years Jack wi21-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Jim is twice as old as Stephanie, who, four years ago, was three times21-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Five years ago Jim was three times as old as Raoul was and Monica was21-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: If 2 prime numbers are chosen less than 100 without repetition, then w21-Apr-2022
shishirbWhich of the following has as many positive factors as 300 have? A) 2021-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: 5^-2 or 10^-121-Apr-2022
CarcassA circular tabletop is to be cut from a square piece of wood20-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: In the coordinate plane, points (a,b) and (c,d) are20-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: Which of the following is equivalent to20-Apr-2022
sonoraIf 7<x^2-4x+12, which of the following MUST be true?20-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: |x|y > x|y|20-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: If |x/4| > 1 which of the following must be true?20-Apr-2022
Blu3Re: How many positive integers less than 100 are neither multiples of 2 or20-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: 10-3x=-2x-520-Apr-2022
Carcass4, m, 5, 9, 3, n The arithmetic mean of the above sequence of numbers20-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: At a dance there are three married couples: Ann and Andy, Betty and Bo20-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: If f(x) = x^2 + 4 and f(2k) = 36, then which of the following is one20-Apr-2022
RonibasakRe: A baker made a combination of chocolate chip cookies and pea20-Apr-2022
testtaker123Re: The probability that both events E and F occur is 0.42.19-Apr-2022
ragmat12Re: A set of 15 different integers has median of 25 and a range of 25. Wha19-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: If a_n=(a_{n-1})(a_{n-3})-(a_{n-4}), a_1=1, a_2=2, a_3=3 and a_4=419-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: The value of \(3^{-2} + 3^{-4} + 3^{-6}\) is how many times the value19-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: A set of 15 different integers has median of 25 and a range of 25. Wha19-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: (root(9 + root(80)) + root(9 - root(80)))^2 =19-Apr-2022
CarcassRe: The probability that both events E and F occur is 0.42.19-Apr-2022
sonoraRe: 24x^2 + bx + c=(dx+e)(fx+g)19-Apr-2022

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