Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

HarishKumar owns 1437 Kudos, gave away 24 Kudos.

Carcass(1)(0.1)+(2)( 0.2)28-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: A bar over a sequence of digits in a decimal indicates that the sequen28-Jan-2024
CarcassWhich of the following is equal to 3/8+(3/4-1/3)/2/527-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: To the nearest percent, the combined population of the two most populo27-Jan-2024
CarcassThe ratio of 2/5 of 4 to 4/3 of 5 is equal to the following ratio27-Jan-2024
CarcassThe ratio of 2/5 of 4 to 4/3 of 5 is equal to the following ratio27-Jan-2024
CarcassSuppose that x and y are integers and that 0 < x < y < 10. The tenths24-Jan-2024
CarcassIn the department, 3/5 of the workers are men and the rest are women.24-Jan-2024
CarcassHow many one-fourths are in 3/5 of 12 1/2 ?24-Jan-2024
CarcassIn the rectangular coordinate system, (r, s) and (u, v) are two points23-Jan-2024
CarcassIn the rectangular coordinate system above, if point (a, b),23-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: A parking lot has a number of automobiles, each of which is a car or a23-Jan-2024
CarcassJacks sister, Suzy, is 5 years elder to Jack. In 2010, Suzy turned 2423-Jan-2024
YkayonuRe: x(4 x)23-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: The average (arithmetic mean) score of Class Qs students is greater t23-Jan-2024
CarcassThe result of increasing, then decreasing, q by 1 %23-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: How many different paths from A to T can we take if we go directly fro23-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: x(4 x)23-Jan-2024
CarcassIn a three-digit number n, the hundreds digit is 3 times the20-Jan-2024
Carcassabc is a three-digit number in which a is the hundreds digit20-Jan-2024
Carcassx is a positive integer.20-Jan-2024
CarcassHow many different 3-digit numbers can be formed, such that tens digit19-Jan-2024
CarcassHow many different six-digit numbers can be formed using all19-Jan-2024
CarcassThe hundreds digit of 5^310^219-Jan-2024
CarcassTwelve runners enter a race to compete for first, second, an18-Jan-2024
CarcassIn how many different ways can a coach distribute 3 prizes (gold, silv18-Jan-2024
CarcassRe: Smiths yearly remuneration is $20,000 more than Jacks yearly remuner18-Jan-2024
CarcassIn how many different ways can a coach select a team of 3 players out18-Jan-2024
CarcassThe yearly rent collected by a firm from a property was p percent more18-Jan-2024

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