Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3310 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

alschwabCircumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of18-Mar-2022
khalilullahtajRe: At a certain hospital, 75% of the interns receive fewer than 6 hours o17-Mar-2022
Sumukh19Second term in a Geometric Progression is 1000 with common ratio17-Mar-2022
sas24What is the maximum and minimum possible value of the expression16-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: Two cars started from the same point and traveled on a strai15-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: Second term in a Geometric Progression is 1000 with common ratio14-Mar-2022
kayser07A boy walks at a speed of 10 kmph from his home and reaches his school14-Mar-2022
kayser07A trailer truck of length 20m is travelling at 36km/hr. A car with14-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: An investor purchased a share of non-dividend-paying stock for p dolla14-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: Another prediction based on the trend line14-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: A club has exactly 3 men and 7 women as members. If two memb13-Mar-2022
CarcassCar A, B, and C participate in a car race. Car A beats car B by 45m,12-Mar-2022
CarcassAt 3 different speeds of 30 kmph, 45 kmph, and 60 kmph, it takes Adam12-Mar-2022
CarcassTrain A travelling at 63 kmph takes 27 to sec to cross Train B when12-Mar-2022
CarcassA trailer truck of length 20m is travelling at 36km/hr. A car with12-Mar-2022
PatrickBotchweyA sphere with radius R is broken into two different pieces by cutting12-Mar-2022
PatrickBotchweyPQR is a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse QR of length 20 inches12-Mar-2022
tingtingCarcass invested $2,000 at a ceratin rate of interest compounded semi-12-Mar-2022
sandeshbhusalSecond term in a Geometric Progression is 1000 with common ratio12-Mar-2022
CarcassIf X_k > Y_{k+2}, then what is the smallest value that k can take?11-Mar-2022
CarcassCircle O has a diameter AB of length 10 cm. Two points P and Q lie on11-Mar-2022
CarcassPQR is a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse QR of length 20 inches11-Mar-2022
CarcassThree brothers X, Y, and Z work at different speeds. When the slowest11-Mar-2022
CarcassIf n = 10^10 and n^n = 10^d, what is the value of d?11-Mar-2022
CarcassThe figure above shows four circles with diameters OA, OB, OC and OD11-Mar-2022
CarcassA sphere with radius R is broken into two different pieces by cutting11-Mar-2022
CarcassA rectangular box with length 6in, width 4in and height 1in has to be11-Mar-2022
CarcassWhat is the maximum and minimum possible value of the expression11-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: In the graph above, if the point p(a, b) is within the area surround10-Mar-2022
sushan18N is the number of integers less than 1000 which have no factors09-Mar-2022

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