Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3316 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

madhu1727Re: Exactly 14% of the reporters for a certain wire service cover local po17-Dec-2021
saptadas1809Difference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of17-Dec-2021
mayuresh1998Difference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of17-Dec-2021
sas24In the country of XYZ, the I-score of a politician is computed16-Dec-2021
TosheHow many Quadrilaterals can be formed from 10 points out of which 615-Dec-2021
TosheA monkey tries to ascend a greased pole which is 14 m high. He ascends15-Dec-2021
TosheWater flows into a reservoir which is 200m long and 150m wide, through15-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: H is the midpoint of IG14-Dec-2021
saptadas1809In a certain parking lot, 3% of the cars are towed for parking11-Dec-2021
RakeshTikait2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.10-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderA grid of light bulbs measures x bulbs by x bulbs, where x > 2. If 4 l09-Dec-2021
aminneffAt a certain factory, each of Machines A, B, and C is periodically on08-Dec-2021
tilakraj94Re: In an investigation, it was found that 20% of the employees who are08-Dec-2021
aminneffA rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere07-Dec-2021
AdewaleRe: A rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere07-Dec-2021
nairaalamProbability that it will rain during the next week is 0.54, and the07-Dec-2021
aminneffLine l1 has equation x + y = 3 and Line l2 has equation 2x + 2y = 806-Dec-2021
aminneffPQR and STU are two identical equilateral triangles. Triangle SWV has06-Dec-2021
aminneffPQRS is a rectangle with PQ < 65 and PQ + QR + RS = 10006-Dec-2021
aminneffPQRS is a rectangle with PQ < 65 and PQ + QR + RS = 10006-Dec-2021
dirrooA big cube is formed by rearranging the 160 colored and 56 non-colored05-Dec-2021
dirrooA customer asked the store manager for a 20% discount on the listed05-Dec-2021
taskforce2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.04-Dec-2021
JKGrowlingRe: Area of circle inscribed in a triangle04-Dec-2021
GeminiHeatRe: Different breeds of dogs get older at different rates in “dog years.”04-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83x^2 + 4x + 7 = |x + 2| + 303-Dec-2021
GreAspirant8313 students in a certain class had a median score of 10 and an average03-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83Re: The daily closing price of one barrel of oil for first 15 days of a03-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83A person took a total of 7 tests and received 7 different scores, each03-Dec-2021
GreAspirant83An equilateral triangle PAB is inscribed inside a square PQRS, forming03-Dec-2021

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