GRE Question of the Day (July 21st)

By - Jul 21, 02:00 AM Comments [0]


The federal government expects hospitals to perform 10,000 organ transplants next year. But it is doubtful that this many donor organ will be available since the number of fatalities resulting from car and motorcycle accidents has been dropping steadily over the past decade.
The argument above makes which of the following assumptions?

(A) A significant number of the organs used in transplants come from people who die in car and motorcycle accidents.
(B) The number of car and motorcycle accidents will increase significantly during the next year.
(C) No more than 10,000 people will be in need of organ transplants during the next year.
(D) In the past the federal government's estimates of the number of organ transplants needed during a given year have been very unreliable.
(E) For any given fatality resulting from a car or motorcycle accident, there is a hospital in the vicinity in need' of an organ for a transplant

Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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