| Recipient | Post | Date |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: A juice manufacturer has 1,200 liters of mango pulp in stock, 25 perce | 07-Jan-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: In how many different ways can 10 students of a class with roll number | 07-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | Re: The average of a set of five values is 12. If one number is deleted, t | 07-Jan-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: The average of a set of five values is 12. If one number is deleted, t | 07-Jan-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Acreage of Hopetown, a town in Lewis County, is equal to 20 percent of | 07-Jan-2022 |
| harishsridharan | Acreage of Hopetown, a town in Lewis County, is equal to 20 percent of | 07-Jan-2022 |
| darkshadow271 | Re: GRE AWA vs GRE SCORE | 07-Jan-2022 |
| grekilla | Re: Johnson never..............to ignore the standards of decent | 06-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | If the function f is defined by f(x) = 2x + 5, what is the v | 06-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | Re: Consider the function f(x) = x 2 – 5x. For which value(s) of | 06-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | If f(x + 2) = f(x) + f(x + 1) for all positive integers x, and f(11) = | 06-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | Re: If f(x) = 2x^4 − x^2, what is the value of f(2*3^[1/2])? | 06-Jan-2022 |
| BrushMyQuant | f(x) = x2 + 1. For which values of x does f(x) = | 06-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: Having test-driven this car in a variety of realistic conditions and f | 06-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | The strong familial bonds within the elephant herd led to a(n) respo | 06-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | The CEO felt she should keep the court case under cover so as not to c | 06-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: As a child, he was often lost in thought, a habit that persisted throu | 06-Jan-2022 |
| PGTLrowanhand | Re: s and t are negative. What can | 06-Jan-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: If 1-2x-1=-2, then x = | 06-Jan-2022 |
| PGTLrowanhand | Re: If x2 = a2, what cannot be true about x and a? | 06-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: Warm-blooded animals have elaborate physiological controls t | 06-Jan-2022 |
| Caldas | Movie theater X charges $6 per ticket | 05-Jan-2022 |
| RA911 | Re: Movie theater X charges $6 per ticket | 05-Jan-2022 |
| RA911 | Re: number of all possible ordered pairs | 05-Jan-2022 |
| RA911 | number of all possible ordered pairs | 05-Jan-2022 |
| RA911 | Re: ST=TV | 05-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: (-2s^2t^3)^4 OR (2s^2t^3)^4 | 05-Jan-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: If n is a positive integer, then (9n )^2 = | 05-Jan-2022 |
| superpower101 | Re: What is the smallest integer that is divisible by 4, 12, and 15 at the | 05-Jan-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: Three people sit down to eat 14 pieces of cake. If two of the people e | 05-Jan-2022 |