Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Farina owns 357 Kudos, gave away 299 Kudos.

grefighter888Re: GRE Math Challenge#116-In the figure above, ABCE is a square28-Feb-2025
anshika1805If Bayern Munich loses fan representation as a percentage of27-Dec-2024
nithyashree2kThe interest rate, compounded annually, that would bring a23-Dec-2024
da29022000Re: The number of stray dogs picked up in Ford City last year by21-Dec-2024
Kd1236-2a / a-3 = 2/a10-Dec-2024
dianrc21An effective pedagogical method can provide information in a07-Dec-2024
SFaraziAn effective pedagogical method can provide information in a06-Dec-2024
Danieloparaji29The ratio of buses to cars on River Road is 2 to 23. If24-Nov-2024
CarcassRe: A 10-foot ladder leans against a vertical wall and forms a 621-Nov-2024
ChanchalIn each of his frequently conducted television interviews17-Nov-2024
ChanchalAn effective pedagogical method can provide information in a17-Nov-2024
Diya9602If Bayern Munich loses fan representation as a percentage of03-Nov-2024
k01010Re: XY=YZ=XZ25-Oct-2024
Chetan124246-2a / a-3 = 2/a14-Sep-2024
kn12346-2a / a-3 = 2/a14-Sep-2024
yapatelRe: The radius of Circle Q is 8. If length of arc ABC is greater27-Aug-2024
PrathamJainRe: Fiber X cereal is 55% fiber. Fiber Max cereal is 70% fiber.04-Jul-2024
jaijtjRe: Which of the following values of x satisfy the above equatio06-Jun-2024
NelliRe: In 1972, country X had a population of P and M cases of meni02-May-2024
YkayonuRe: Jennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give28-Apr-2024
abhpopx>0, y>0, z>021-Apr-2024
Sh1nobi012If |0.1x - 3| >= 1, then x could be which of the following10-Apr-2024
lfg00000Every year, the state department of the environment reviews04-Apr-2024
Danieloparaji29Re: Based on the information in the graphs, which of the followi19-Mar-2024
YkayonuRe: s = (t + r)^208-Feb-2024
habib555Every year, the state department of the environment reviews20-Jan-2024
nkneemaS is the set of all prime numbers that satisfy the11-Jan-2024

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