Great Opportunity To Earn Kudos!!!
Post A Detailed Correct Solution For The Below FRESH Verbal Questions And Get A Kudos:
According to our timeless initiative, you can get access to the
Free GRE Prep Club Tests in Exchange for 20 KudosTurns out, the easiest way to earn kudos is to participate in this GREAT opportunity
Every day of the week, for the forthcoming 4 weeks (one month) on a daily basis we will post four types of questions
- RC
- CR
- SE
- TC - one, two, or three blanks
We shall begin to roll out questions on Monday, April 20th
The questions will be exclusively
HARD- Disclaimer: You have 1 Week To Submit Your Solutions.
- Detailed and quickest solution will be considered for kudos. The kudos are at the discretion of the moderators that may choose to give them or not to for any reason or no reason at all.
\(1^{st}\) week - 04/20/2020\(2^{nd}\) week - 04/27/2020\(3^{rd}\) week - 05/11/2020\(4^{th}\) week - 05/19/2020\(5^{th}\) week - 06/01/2020\(6^{th}\) week - 06/15/2020\(7^{th}\) week - 06/29/2020\(8^{th}\) week - 09/07/2020\(9^{th}\) week - 09/14/2020Attachment:
kudos.jpg [ 90.18 KiB | Viewed 38225 times ]